Eco Somatic & Movement Journeys
In my work I offer simple movement scores and rituals to ground us in physical
embodied kinship with the wonders of the earth body. We open the gateway of our
senses; as we move in response to rock, moss, river, sky. These moving, somatic
and intimate encounters with the natural landscape open doorways to embodied
wilding; healing, imagining, remembering of the potential of being a human body.
What worlds are possible inside of ourselves when we surrender to meeting the
natural world? As we rest, move, touch, smell earth what emerges? As we move and
ground in physical embodied kinship with the earth body, what potential is there to
unmake and shape shift our embodied scripts; to remember our earth body? We
listen to the language of the wild with deep respect.
The workshops and classes I run are inspired by intensive study with Helen
Poynor whom I’ve studied Environmental Movement with for the last twelve years. Other influences include studying with Suprapto Suryodarmo (Prapto), a Javanese movement artist, Northern Drum Shamanic. Practice, long term study of Somatic Movement, along with ongoing explorations in
Butoh and artistic practice. My training as a Dance Movement Psychotherapist and conscious dance Open Floor Movement Facilitator also inform how I curate Eco Somatic and Movement journeys.
Practice: Dartington, Dartmoor, South Hams - Devon